A photo impression of the event can be found here.
A report of the event can be found here.
9:00-9:30 Coffee & welcome
9:30-11:00 Opening session: Lobby X-Factor
(Room P61)
Moderation: Rocco Bellanova (USL-B and PRIO)
Contestants: Joe McNamee (EDRi), Raegan MacDonald (Mozilla), Walter van Holst (Vrijschrift)
Judges: Jennifer Baker (independent EU tech journalist), Olivier Hoedeman (Corporate Europe Observatory), Cristian Bulumac (EP, Greens/NGL) – and you
11:00-11:30 Coffee break
11:30-12:45 TTIP, TiSA, CETA and Co.: Trade agreements and digital rights
Moderation: Maryant Fernandez Perez (EDRi) Speakers: Walter van Holst (Vrijschrift), Ralf Bendrath (EP), Jan-Willem Verheijden (EU Commission, Trade in Services Unit, DG Trade), Delphine Misonne (USL-B)
11:30-12:45 Safe Harbor 2.0: a stillborn project?
Moderation: Diego Naranjo (EDRi) Speakers: Marc Rotenberg (EPIC), Laurent Lim (CNIL), Gloria Gonzalez Fuster (VUB-LSTS)
12:45-14:00 Lunch (Sandwiches and coffee/tea)
14:00-15:30 Technology, regulation,…: What response to mass surveillance? (privacy by design & by default, obfuscation)
Moderation: Rocco Bellanova (USL-B and PRIO) Speakers: Eleanor Saitta (OpenITP and IMMI), Jérémie Zimmermann (La Quadrature du Net), Julia Powles (University of Cambridge and the Guardian)
14:00-15:30 Litigation activism and its future
Moderation: Ulf Buermeyer (Berlin Superior Court and CIHR) Speakers: Max Schrems (Europe vs Facebook), Adrienne Charmet (La Quadrature du Net), Gus Hosein (PI)
15:30-16:00 Coffee break
16:00-17:30 Closing Session: New surveillance laws in the wake of Charlie Hebdo and 13/11
Moderation: Estelle Massé (Access) Speakers:
Jesper Lund (IT-Pol)