Consent is only valid if ‘free’, ‘specific’, ‘informed’, and ‘unambiguous’. These terms cannot be taken as a simple recipe, with clearly defined ingredients and steps. In reality, consent is more fluid, and does not automatically follow from an aseptic and formal exercise of information provision or box-ticking. This panel will propose a more substantive and organic approach which includes, amongst the others, an added element of effective “comprehension” and control over the processing. It will discuss the most recent findings from the Court of Justice of the EU, but also the position of the European Commission in the proposed Data Governance Act, and issues around a so-called ‘common European data altruism consent’. The suggested contextual approach would find that most of the consent given online could be invalid, especially in situations of extremely complex processing operations.
- Moderator: Romain Robert, Data Protection Lawyer, noyb
- Alexandra Jaspar (Data protection lawyer, Belgian DPA)
- Gianclaudio Malgieri (Associate Professor, EDHEC Business School)
- Max Hoppenstedt (Journalist, Der Spiegel)
- Stefano Rossetti (Data protection lawyer, noyb)
Check out the full programme here.
Registrations are open until 24 January, 2021 here.