The many guidelines for ethical AI often ignore values already present in practitioners’ contexts, and fall short in supporting practical application. In this session, we want to introduce practical approaches for responsible AI and data practices. No concepts, but tested processes that are already implemented in numerous public management organisations. This panel is inviting critical engagement with the notion of participatory data ethics, the role of various stakeholders from civil society to public management and industry to define responsibilities and capacities for action.
Reviewing the practical approaches to contesting digital technology and developing responsible data processes, opens a dialogue for participatory ethics in the datafied society. We provide a multifaceted review of current data practices, the need for practical approaches to responsible data and AI practices, and their effectiveness. This panel inquires the constitution of checks and balances for preserving public values in the datafied society beyond the numerous ethics manifestos, guidelines and laws through inspecting how public management in local contexts grapples with responsible data practices.
- Mirko Tobias Schäfer, Researcher Utrecht Data School
- Willy Tadema, AI Ethics Lead at NL Government IT Association
- Joost Gerritsen, Privacy & AI lawyer
- Iris Muis, Data ethicist, Utrecht Data School